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It helped the East produce more clothes.

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Q: What impact did the power loom for mills have on the economy?
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What is the difference between water loom and air jet loom?

difference between air jet loom and water jet loom

How many sweaters are sold each year?

1 billion sweaters are sold each year! I a, the ceo of fruit of the loom!

What were the programs proposed by the nationalist to deal with problems of currency?

1)A Growing Economy a)Banking, Currency, and Protection i)War of 1812 stimulated manufacturing, but after war produced chaos in shipping and banking- need for new Bank of the United States charter its expiration 1811 and not renewed, protecting new industries, transport systems ii)After expiration of charter state banks offered difft currencies at difft values- confusion and counterfeiting. Congress passed new charter for Bank of US 1816- its size and power essentially forced state banks to issue safer currency iii)Manufacturing had grown tremendously due to imports being cut off, textile industry increased exponentially btwn Embargo of 1807 and War. Factories in NE no longer family operations. Francis Lowell developed new loom 1813 in Boston Manufacturing Company- first process of both spinning and weaving iv)After war English ships swarmed American ports, wanted to reclaim old markets with prices below cost. 1816 Congress passed tariff to protect "infant industries" from competition aboard- farmers objected b/c paid higher price.

What caused England to become the leading textile producer in the 18Th Century?

Making cloth was the first type of manufacturing to benefit from the inventions of the 18th Century. During this period of the industrial revolution, England had the advantage of English inventors that sped up textile production and allowed England to be the world's leader. Here are some important inventors in England that impacted the textile industry: A. John Kay invented the Flying shuttle in 1733; B. James Hargreaves invented the Spinning jenny in 1764; C. Richard Arkwright invented the Water frame in 1769; D. Samuel Crompton invented the Spinning mule in 1779; and E. Edward Cartwright invented the Power loom in 1785. These English inventors were key to the English dominance in the textile industry.

What strengthened the nation's economic independence?

If you are doing a worksheet for The American Republic and its on section 2 and the sheet says activity 10-1 and so on. this should be the same thing. I did not have all the sections just these.Economic Growth - Guided Reading 10.1 pg 306 - 313DIRECTIONS: Recalling the Facts Use the information in your textbook to answer the questions1. When did the Industrial Revolution begin in the United States?2. How did New England's location help industrial growth?3. Why were merchants essential to the Industrial Revolution?4. What three inventions revolutionized the textile industry?5. Who invented the cotton gin?6. What did Congress do in 1790 to protect the rights of inventors?7. How did British industrial technology make its way to the United States?8. Where did Francis Cabot Lowell open a textile plant in 1814?9. What new system did Lowell employ in his mill?10. Who pioneered the use of interchangeable parts?11. How did the Industrial Revolution affect cotton production?12. Who financed the Industrial Revolution's new industries?13. When did Congress charter the Second Bank of the United States?14. What problems came with the growth of towns and cities?15. Why did the threat of diseases loom over city dwellers at the turn of the century?Economic Growth - Reteaching 10.1DIRECTIONS: Matching Match each item in Column A with its corresponding item in Column B.COLUMN A COLUMN BG1. technologyC 2. New EnglandL 3. Free EnterpriseH 4. Eli WhitneyA 5. Samuel SlaterD 6. Francis Cabot LowellJ 7. factory systemM 8. interchangeable partsB 9. farmersI 10. raised pork and cash cropsE 11. Second Bank of the United StatesF 12. New York, Boston, BaltimoreK 13. Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, LouisvilleEssay Answer the following question on a separate sheet of paper.How were Eli Whitney's inventions important to the Industrial Revolution?A. memorized designs of British machinery, then duplicated them in the United StatesB. more than 65 percent of Americans in the 1820sC. profited from location on major riversD. opened a textile plant in Waltham, Massachusetts, in 1814E. strengthened the nation's economic independenceF. Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont, New HampshireG. scientific discoveries that simplify workH. invented the cotton ginI. western farmers north of the Ohio RiverJ. brought manufacturing steps together in one place to increase efficiencyK. centers of commerce and tradeL. American economyM. uniform pieces that could replace any other identical piecesWestward Bound Guided Reading 10.2 pg 314 - 320Clermontmules or horsesthe Atlantic coastDe Witt ClintonNew York CityErie CanalNational Roadthe great riversnorth-south4 million10 millionsteamboatsRobert FultonfivefourturnpikesMoving WestThe 1790 census of the United States showed a population of nearly (1) 4 million. Most Americans lived within a few hundred miles of (2) The Atlantic Coast. By 1820 the population of the United States had increased to about (3) 10 million people. The 363-mile trip from (4) New York Cityto Buffalo took a pioneer family about three weeks by wagon. Private companies built (5)turnpikes, which charged fees to offset their costs. In 1806 Congress approved funds for a (6) national road to the West. Although river travel was more comfortable, rivers allowed travel in only a (7)north/southdirection. In 1802 Robert Livingston hired (8) Robert Fultonto develop a more powerful steamboat. In 1807 the (9) Clermont made the 150-mile trip from New York City to Albany in only 32 hours.CanalsLed by (10) De Witt Clinton. New York officials planned to link New York City with the Great Lakes region. Thousands of laborers worked on the construction of the 363-mile (11)Erie Canal. At first this waterway did not allow the passage of (12) steamboats Instead, teams of (13) mules and horses hauled the boats and barges.Western SettlementBetween 1791 and 1803, (14) 4 new states were admitted to the Union.Between 1816 and 1821, (15) 5 new states were created. Pioneers tended to settle in communities along (16) The Great Rivers with others from their home communities.There is nothing more than I hate than to have a question asked and not get an answer. Let alone ask more than one and still not get anything. I know it's someones homework, but don't tell me you never tried to get out of it before....Hope you enjoy getting the answers to this assignment.

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What is difference between power loom fabric and auto loom fabric?

there is no difference actually. A cotton mill has many power looms. A power loom is a machine that weaves clothes and 15 to 20 power looms are present in a mill. In small scale mills, only 2-3 power looms or 12-13 hand looms (machine that weaves clothes by hand) are present. hand made cotton is of better quality but production is low.

How fast does the shuttle in a power loom travel Lowell mills?

The shuttle in a power loom can travel at speeds of up to 100 to 200 picks (back and forth motions) per minute in a Lowell mill.

Who did the power loom help?

The power loom helped the Americans and the econmoy

When did Power-loom riots happen?

Power-loom riots happened in 1826.

How did the power loom affect the production industry?

The power loom was a steam-powered, mechanically operated version of a regular loom, an invention that combined threads to make cloth. In 1785, Edmund Cartwright patented the first power loom and set up a factory in Doncaster, England to manufacture cloth. A prolific inventor, Edmund Cartwright also invented a wool-combing machine in 1789, continued to improve his power loom, invented a steam engine that used alcohol and a machine for making rope in 1797, and aided Robert Fulton with his steamboats. Cartwright's power loom needed to be improved upon and several inventors did just that. It was improved upon by William Horrocks, the inventor of the variable speed batton (1813) and American, Francis Cabot Lowell. The power loom became commonly used after 1820.

What is the difference between auto loom and power loom?

Power loom is a type of loom which is operated by power and the other side auto loom has so many automatic function,sensor and thus output of auto looms are more finer than Power loom.We can get less weaving defect in auto loom fabric.

Who was English inventor of power loom?

Edmund Cartwright invented a power loom in 1785.

What long term impact did this development of the power loom have on Great Britain?

back in that time, women didnt have the same rights as men. so, the factories replaced men with women so that they could pay less of a wage since it was ok to pay women less eventhough it was the same job. also, people lost their jobs because the power loom didnt need a person to run the loom. it was steam powered.

How did the power loom help the industrial revolution?

The power loom was a steam-powered, mechanically-operated version of a regular loom. A loom is a device that combined threads to make cloth.When the power loom became efficient, women replaced most men as weavers in the textile factories.

What did the power loom lead to?

The power loom led to other inventions such as the spinning jenny and the spinning mule.

Who invented the power loom that could create complex pattern?

The Power Loom was invented by Edmund Cartwright.

How will the power loom benefit the customer?

The weaving and spinning of the power loom eliminated the need for home labor.