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Q: What evidence does swift give to prove that he will not benefit personally from his proposal?
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The benefit of gathering background information on a specific research topic will help one learn something new or gather evidence to prove a theory or idea.

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The best way to prove employee dishonesty is by keeping a record of evidence that may prove your view. Without evidence or a witness, it may be difficult to prove it.

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How did you prove it? Show evidence if it is true. Personally it will stay known as unproven if you was to ask me and in this case you did so..... Sorry about your disappointment boy's!!!

Falsehood is to deceive as evidence is to what?

Falsehood is to deceive as evidence is to prove. Prove is a word that is commonlyÊ used in law courts.

What can evidence provide?

Evidence can prove, or disprove, the case against you.

What is the difference between proof and prove?

proof is a physical truth which noone needs to prove it otherwise. prove is the action taken to have proof.

What will you do to prove your answer to others?

By giving evidence.

When are you a suspect?

when there is enough evidence to prove it

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What is inadequate evidence?

Evidence which is not sufficient to prove a contention to the standard required is inadequate.

Why is evidence important in an experiment?

to prove it worked.