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It shows that the global economy is all connected. When something happens in one country, it affects all countries.

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Q: What does the rise of wipro teach you about the nature of the global economy in the first decade of the 21st century?
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What is nature and scope of microeconomics?

The nature and scope of microeconomics is specified to a particular economy. This means that it does not focus on too much risk as compared to macroeconomics which looks at the entire economy.

What does the GE example tell you about the nature of true global businesses?


Does international trade accurately reflect the nature of global competition?

No, Current trade in today's markets are not balanced at all. There are to many aspects to the world trade. We would be better off by closing some of the trade and to keep it here. This would eventually balance some things out. But it would definitely help with job creation, which is the driving force of any economy . Global competition is driven completely by the ability to buy the products. China for example is building there economy on our backs. Their growth they are going through right now is mirrored to our 1950's and 1960's growth. The one thing we can say about China is they have complete control of there economy concerning exports, have you been to Walmart or Target or just about any store in our country in the past 8 years and been able to find a product made in America. Unfair Global trade is and will be the down fall of America.

What does it mean to say the unemployment problem in America is structural in nature?

a large portion of the population does not have the skills that are truly needed by the economy for growth

What type of treasures were incredible stimuli to the European economy?

Possible by the talent of the peoples of the New World for managing nature-- new kinds of food.

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Mixed. in India,The nature of economy is Mixed means it is the combination of capitalist and socialist economy.

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The use of a decade counter is to store or keep track of something happening or an event . Usually, counter circuits are digital in nature.

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The nature of the economy in Nigeria is mixed and also defined as an emerging market. Nigeria's economy is experiencing increasing growth with a 7 percent increase in 2013.

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It is the tragedy of human nature.

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had a senceof fasion

What is nature and scope of microeconomics?

The nature and scope of microeconomics is specified to a particular economy. This means that it does not focus on too much risk as compared to macroeconomics which looks at the entire economy.

How nature changes Mount Everest?

the pollution and global warming.

How will global warming will affect nature and people?

the ocean will rise.

What does the GE example tell you about the nature of true global businesses?


What is the reason for global meltdown?

Global meltdowns can occur due to a variety of reasons, such as financial crises, economic downturns, political instability, or natural disasters. These events can lead to a domino effect, causing widespread impacts on economies, industries, and societies around the world. The interconnected nature of the global economy can amplify the effects of a meltdown, leading to a widespread economic crisis.

Is God causing global warming?

No. Mankind is. Scientists estimate nature may be responsible for 2% of the measured global warming.