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all people depend on work of others

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Elva Reinger

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Q: What does the key characteristic of a civilization is the specialization of labor mean?
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A key characteristic of a civilization is the specialization of labor What does this mean?

all people depend on work of others

What key characteristic of a civilization is the specialization of labor What does this mean?

all people depend on work of others

What does labor specialization mean?

All people depend on the work of others.

What does the term division of labor mean?

Division of labor is the division of tasks, roles and duties between people trying to accomplish a certain task. Division of labor became an important element of society during the Industrial Revolution, when factory work changed the way in which people worked together to create products. This method of labor was supported by famous economists like Adam Smith and mechanical engineers such as Charles Babbage.

What does the word property mean in math form?

Characteristic. Characteristic. Characteristic. Characteristic.

What does regional specialization mean?

Regional Specialization is a type of cheese that never expires. It could be deadly and found in your region.

How a dual specialization in MBA is helpful mean MBA with IT if you are a B com student?

Specialization Matters But the problem with the specialization is One will stick with the specialization itself.Says If you get specialization in IT. You will enjoy the ups and downs of IT itself.Which broke down two times lastly year 2002 around and years 2008-9Furthermore their is a law of demand and supply. And IT is highly saturated.

What does specialization mean in economics?

it means you're really special from anonymous

What does specialization mean in?

Speciation in Biology means the growing of new species.

What does the cradle of civilization mean?

Cradle of civilization means the place where civilization began to flourish. Civilization was able to thrive because it had what it needed.

What is the difference between a trainer and a learning specialist?

I assume you mean a Profession Trainer and a Specialization Trainer? Profession trainers are your basic trainers that will teach you most of your recipes, whereas Specialization trainers will teach you a subset of a profession. For instance: BLACKSMITHING (Main Profession) Armorsmithing (Specialization) Weaponsmithing (Specialization) Axesmith Swordsmith Hammersmith

Is there a civilization in the Paleolithic age?

If by "is" you mean "was", and by "civilization" you mean "thousands of tribes scattered across 7 continents", then yes. Otherwise, no.