Perhaps you mean CONSUMER price index, which is a tool to measure changes in the price level of consumer goods and services purchased by households in a given country.
PP in real estate usually refers to Purchase Price
Price mean
When price increases by 1%, demand falls by 3%.
it means the toilet is backed up and i need a plunger
It means you purchased something at a bargain price slang: bargin
Chains can symbolize so many different things that it truly depends upon the person who is using them as a symbol. Their most common representation is bondage in some way shape or form. In can mean bondage as in slavery and capture or it can mean bondage as in bound by love and marriage. The true representation, however, depends upon what they mean to you.
Perhaps you mean CONSUMER price index, which is a tool to measure changes in the price level of consumer goods and services purchased by households in a given country.
"trace chains (n): the chains that connect a horse's harness to a vehicle."
Perhaps you mean CONSUMER price index, which is a tool to measure changes in the price level of consumer goods and services purchased by households in a given country.
The most likely cause is weak chains or faulty equipment.
110 AA mean in immunoglobulin chains refers to the number of amino acids in a single domain
The interpretation depends on the sort of chain involved. A delicate gold chain might symbolize love and a binding commitment, whereas heavy iron chains symbolize slavery and bondage.
Pro-Slavery means that you support the idea of enslaving people.