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Example: Fee for 1 year = 12 dollars. Contract terminated after 6 months. The refund is $6; in other words you get back the money for those months you haven't used.

Pro-rated means a portion of the value is deducted based on age and or condition of the item you are returning. So what you get is not the full price paid for the item, only a portion of what you paid.

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Q: What does prorated refund mean?
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Suggest you contact your local Better Business Bureau (BBB) and let them handle it. It's free and they'll know just what to do.

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What does prorated mean?

For the sake of argument, let us say you are talking paying rent. If rent is $100 a month, and you move in half way into the month, the prorated payment would be half the rent - or $50. Does that answer your question ?

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Yes, and the tenant might owe the next month as well.

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If you mean get a refund its not possible.

What does refund mean?

It means to get your money back.

How would a person calculate a prorated contract?

Calculate the amount of money you make per day, then multiply it with the amount of workdays you have completed and that should give you the prorated contract.

How do you spell prorated?

That is the correct spelling of the verb "prorate" (from pro rata),meaning to charge or distribute proportionately.

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Loans are never taxable...I'm not sure what you mean by a loan refund though!

If an employee dies will the insurance refund the unused part of the premium?

Depends on how often the premium was paid.... For more info. see Generally speaking, if the premium was paid on a monthly (or more frequent) basis, the answer is NO. If less frequently (i.e. quarterly, bi-annually, or annually), then most will refund the prorated amount, rounded to some reasonable number (i.e. typically a week). The exact specifics will be found in the policy itself.