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It means basically work. Or working

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Q: What does labor mean in business?
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What does labor costs mean?

Labor cost means the direct labor cost incurred by business to manufacture units of products to be sold.

Why is labor important for a business?

labor is important for the smooth functioning of the business

What is relationship between business and labor?

Without labor, a business cannot run.

Selection of appropriate labor in a business?

Selection of appropriate labor relates to the type of labor that will be vital for use in a business.

What could happen to a person found guilty of crime in the south after the thirteenth amendment become law?

Their labor could be sold to a business owner

What do people mean when they call a business a sweatshop?

working for minimum wage or no money at all, cheap labor.

What does BoQ mean?

In the business world, BoQ means "bill of quantities." A bill of quantities is a document used in tendering in the construction industry in which materials, parts, labor, and labor costs are itemized.

How do you calculate hotel labor percentage?

To calculate hotel labor percentage, first add up total costs of doing the business. Then divide the cost of labor by the total cost of doing business to get the percentage of hotel labor cost.

Type of labor necessary in a food business?

unskilled, semi-skilled and skilled labor

What is example of global business?

global business the international certains labor in our industry

Type of labor necessary in a business?

what are the types of labour necessary in a business plan

What act allowed labor unions to participate in collective baraining with business managers?

The National Labor Relations Act allowed labor unions to participate in collective bargaining with business managers. It was passed in 1935.