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Q: What does inefficent mean?
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Why is livestock farming inefficent?

It's not.

Why 3 stoke engine is not possible?

It is possible but has not been invented and would most likely be inefficent.

Why drugs may affect urine concentration?

Drugs may affect urine concentration because it can make your urine a destorted colour and the production will come out more darker and inefficent.

What factors led to the terrible problem of hunger in developing nations?

The lack of a transport system to move food from where it is grown, to where it is needed. Inefficent farming methods. Bad weather. Control of food as a means of government controlling the populace. Rapid population growth. Disruption of farming by war.

Where did the Nazis kill the Jews?

Mainly in concentration and death camps throught Germany, Austria, Poland and Czecklovakia. they were also shot to death in numerous smaller spot before the death camps were made a ss trops woudl take a towns its Jews to a spot i nthe forest and shoot them their after this was prooving inefficent they tried using trucks with their exhaust put into the back as in chelmenaue then taken to a forest and buried there after that the concentration camps and death camps were made

Would it work to have an ac in one window and a fan blowing out in another?

Kinda, but it'd be real inefficent and expensive. Think about it: at one end of the room you have the AC making cold air. At the other end you have the fan, blowing that cold air out of the room. Means the AC has to take in new warm air from the outside and cool it. You're better off having a large portion of the air in the room recirculating. That way the AC doesn't have to work that hard.

How is the local government in Trinidad and Tobago financed?

It is handeled by 14 elected Local Governmet Bodies (2 cities, 3 boroughs, and 9 regions ) who are responsible for Secondary Roads, Drains and Municipal Infrastructure, Public Health and Sanitation Services, Municipal Building and Development Control, and Community Services and Facilities. Recent polls/surveys have shown that many citizens view it as inefficent and wasteing tax payers money. The government is currently in the process of reforming the Local Gov't system.

What is a good profit margin for a manufacture?

The short answer is any profit margin is good! The long answer really depends on long term planning, the size of your business and the markets you are competing in. Long term planning - profits fund business expansion, new product development, new and current market development etc. A good rule of thumb is to keep profits above at least 10% while investing in new product developement, research and developent and investment in staff. Remember short term cost cutting may boost profits in the short term but will serverly damage your business in the long term , reguardless of what the so called "business experts" say. The key to profitaqbility is process effiecency, an inefficent process wastes money! The waste may be inefficent use of labour ( so you are wasting staff hours which cost) waste of material ( direct costs) or being unable to compete for orders (lost revenue costs). The best people to make you process as efficient as possible are the staff so never fail to invest in your staff.

Why is there so few aircraft carriers?

The cost of upgrading older ships to bring them up to modern standard is estimated at about $200 million and one year in the shipyard. The cost and return was deemed inefficent in view of the current poitical climate.

Who was king Henry and what did he do?

he was a mean person who lived with mean people in a mean castle on a mean hill in a mean country in a mean continent in a mean world in a mean solar system in a mean galaxy in a mean universe in a mean dimension

What does (.)(.) mean?

you mean what you mean

What does mean mean in statistics?

Mean is the average.