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Q: What does business justification mean?
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What is justification of location?

Where the business is found.

What is the definition of business justification?

justifyinga reason or decision thatwill have an impact on the business.

What does developing a case justification for reengineering consist of?

Developing business case justification is a common BPR phase that inclides cost and benefit analysis, business case preparation, and presentation to key business leaders.

What does Apoiogia mean?

an apologia is a justification or defense of an act or idea.

What does justification mean in math terms?

Justification in math terms means to show how you solved the math problem. Lay out the problem and show step-by-step how the problem is solved.

What is the adjective and adverb of justification?

The adjective of justification is justifiable.The adverb of justification is justifiably.

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Is justification another word for reason?

It can be, if the noun "reason" is used to mean the cause or basis for an action.For example, his justification for running away (his reason for running away) was that he thought he would be mistreated by the police.

Is right margin justification still used in business letters?

No! Usually only marketing material such as form letters are justified on the right margin.

What religious believers mean by discrimination?

Discrimination is the unfair treatment of a person or group without good justification.

What doctrine held that a person can be deemed good because of faith alone?

justification by faith

How do you use the word justification in a sentence?

His justification for his actions didn't impress me.