2500 RMB is equal aprox. 300 €
The current exchange rate between RMB and Euro is 1 RMB for 0.12 Euro.
RMB is the abbreviation for China's currency (known as the Renminbi and Chinese Yuan).
Rmb is the abbreviation for "renminbi," which means "the people's money." Kinda like USD for US dollars or GBP for British pounds.
Riley RMB was created in 1946.
1 rmb = 13.3799 tk
2500 RMB is equal aprox. 300 €
RMB stands for Renmibi in Chinese Pinyin http://www.alidurrani.net
The current exchange rate between RMB and Euro is 1 RMB for 0.12 Euro.
RMB is the abbreviation for China's currency (known as the Renminbi and Chinese Yuan).
1 usd = 6.857 rmb/cny
1 Chinese yuan (RMB) = 0.14 U.S. dollars as of now,
rmb stands for "Renminbi" which literally translates to "People's Currency" from Chinese. It is the currency of China and it's primary unit is the Yuan.
they make about 57 cents per hour because of cheap labor.
The money used in Beijing is the Chinese RenMinBi, or RMB for short.