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Q: What does GDP stand for and what does it mean?
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What does GDP stand for in market economy?

Gross domestic product (GDP).

What was the UKs GDP inthe 1960s?

what was the UKs GDP in the 1960s;and where did it stand in the league of major European countries and where does it stand today.

What do the letters of GDP stand for?

Gross Domestic Product

What does a GDP stamp on a gold ring mean?

Well, darling, a GDP stamp on a gold ring stands for "Gold Plated," not Gross Domestic Product. So, if you were hoping for a fancy economic indicator on your jewelry, I hate to burst your bubble. But hey, at least you know your ring is just gold plated and not made of solid gold.

What does synthetic GDP mean?

. The synthetic GDP was calculated by the source's authors, and is a calculation of what a country's GDP per capita would have been had there been no EU

Where India and Pakistan stand in world economy?

According to Nominal GDP sector composition, January 2005India -12Pak- 41-----------------------------According to GDP (nominal) 2009India -11Pak- 45

What does it mean if real GDP were growing faster then nominal GDP?

It means that inflation is negative, also known as deflation.

If per capita GDP is growing does that mean that everyone is better off economically?

No per capita GDP is only an average figure it does not mean everyone is more prosperous

Can GDP be zero and if so what does that mean for the country with a zero GDP?

The GDP of a country - or even a large community - cannot be zero. Zero GDP implies that there is no output (goods or services), nobody spends anything (on things from inventories or imports), nobody earns anything.

What does GDP mean in baseball stats?

GDP-Grounded into Double Play -imzy.

What does the economic term GDP term mean?

Gross Domestic Product

Who is richer china or England?

Do you mean as total gdp? China ofcourse.