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A large body of literature makes the argument that commercialization of agriculture has mainly negative effects on the employment, incomes, food production and consumption, health, and nutrition of the poor. In Commercialization of Agriculture, Economic Development, and Nutrition, Joachim von Braun and Eileen Kennedy find that the conclusion that commercialization of agriculture is generally bad for nutrition is flawed. This conclusion, emerging from a mix of historical, real, and ideological factors as well as methodologically faulty analysis, has continually been questioned by policymakers in developing countries as well as aid agencies and non-governmental organizations.

Other Answers:
  • Modern agriculture steered away from permaculture (or permanent sustainable agriculture) in favour of short term profit, greed, and unsustainable practices. Commercialisation of agriculture, like commercialisation of fishing generally refers to the 'raping' or exploitation of the resource concerned, rather than immediate, personal need of ones family or wider community.
  • Modern agriculture involves looking at where we went wrong, and applying technologies that may have been over looked in favour of short term rewards.
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