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This is called a trade defecit.

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Q: What do you call a situation that exists when a nations imports are worth more that its exports?
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What do you call the situation that exists when a nation exports more than it imports?

trade surplus

What is favorable balance of trade?

A situation that exists when the value of a nation's exports is in excess of the value of its imports.

What are taxes on imports and exports called?

Taxes that are placed on imports and exports are referred to as tariffs. A debate exists regarding whether or not high tariffs help or hurt a nation's economy.

What is Trade complementarity?

Trade complementarity is when the exports of country a coincides with the imports of country b then complementarity exists.

What is the balance of payments equilibrium?

Point in trade with other countries that exists when: 1) Imports = exports. 2) Capital inflow = capital outflow.

What Situation that exists when all nations have equal power?

Balance of Power in International Affairs.

Why is it important for a country to balance its exports and imports?

it is important for a country to balance its exports & imports because if a country imports more than it exports it has to borrow from a international organizations like the World Bank ,and will then have to repay the loan with high interest. this means it will have less to spend on services such as schools ,hospitals ,law and order ,roads , etc

What exists when there is a difference the current situation and the desired one?

A problem is what exists when there is a difference between the current situation and the desired one.

What exists when there is difference between the current situation and the desired one?

A problem is what exists when there is a difference between the current situation and the desired one.

What exists when there is a difference between the current situation and the desire one?

A problem is what exists when there is a difference between the current situation and the desired one.

What is the current name for League of Nations?

The League of Nations no longer exists. It was replaced after WW2 by the United Nations.

What word can be eliminated for a stronger effect there is a situation that exists that needs attention?

That exists