How Much things cost in 1938
Average Cost of new house $3,900.00
Average wages per year $1,730.00
Cost of a gallon of Gas 10 cents
Average Cost for house rent $27.00 per month
A loaf of Bread 9 cents
A LB of Hamburger Meat 13 cents
Average Price for new car $763.00
Blanket $5.00
Liptons Noodle Soup 10 Cents
In 1938, the cost of goods and services varied widely depending on the item. For example, a gallon of gasoline cost around 10 cents, a loaf of bread cost 9 cents, and a new car could be purchased for around $700. The average annual salary in the United States was approximately $1,730, so these costs would have been significant expenses for many people at that time.
The average cost of a home in 1938 was around $3.000. It depended on the location and the size of the home. A rural home in 1938 could be gotten for around $2,500.
In 1938, the average cost of a new house in the United States was around 3,900 dollars. This figure is just a little more than twice the average annual income at that time.
The cost of a loaf of bread in 1957 was 19 cents. The cost of a loaf of bread in 1957 was 19 cents.
The inflation calculator is used to figure out how much things cost due to inflation. It can help you figure out how much things will cost in the future if inflation continues at the current rate, it will also tell you how much things cost in different time periods if inflation were to have not happened.
The cost of a loaf of bread in 1950 was twelve cents. A house cost $15,796.00. A new car cost $1,480.00. A gallon of milk was .82.
they were around £100-£150 which was a lot in 1938.
$800 bought you a nice car in 1938.
the use to traded things like sheep fur for eggs
Roughly Ten cents
13 Cents a quart
The average cost of a home in 1938 was around $3.000. It depended on the location and the size of the home. A rural home in 1938 could be gotten for around $2,500.
In 1938, the average cost of a new house in the United States was around 3,900 dollars. This figure is just a little more than twice the average annual income at that time.
Jell things cost more because of the cost of their production.
The average annual income of an American family in 1938 was $2116. The cost of a new house was about $3900 and gas was about ten cents per gallon.
In the 1840s of England things cost about 3.00 now they cost about 15.00