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A college degree is not required to become a real estate agent, but there are training and classes required in order to obtain a Real Estate license.

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Q: What degree would one need to become a real estate agent?
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What does the initials PSI stand for in real estate?

Professional Service Industries. There are multiple PSI tests, and if you are interested in becoming a licensed agent, you would take the real estate specific one. You may also take a PSI to become a cosmetologist, plumber, etc.

How much do estate agents earn?

This amount may vary in places, but the total comission is usually 6% of the sale price of the house. There are also other variables involved. For example, let's say there is a listing agent (the real estate agent who listed the property), a selling agent (the real estate agent who sold the property) and the broker under whom both agents work. In this case, the listing agent would get 2% of the total sale price, as would the selling agent and the broker. If the listing agent and selling agent are the same person, they would received 4% comission, and the broker 2% of the sales price. If the broker is also the listing and selling agent, then s/he gets the full 6% comission.

A real estate agent earns about a 6 commission on each house sold. How much commission would an agent earn on a house that sold for 125000?


What is the purpose of the real estate code of conduct?

To make sure real estate agents behave in a common standard and provide the services the client deserves. Call me if you would like to get a copy of the real estate agent code of conduct 310-734-6698 or email @

A real estate agent earns about a 6 percent commission on each house sold How much commission would an agent earn on a house that sold for 125000?


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How to become a sports agent without a background or degree in sports management?

In order to become a sports agent without a degree in sports managment you would have to have some sort of in with a company. Most companies require a degree.

How to you become a real estate agent in AZ?

I would start by taking class at the local community college.

Where can one source information about real estate schools?

A good place to find information on becoming a real estate evaluator would be open polytentic. A degree for an estate agent is a wide knowledge and skill base to have and very benefical.

Where can one find help in becoming a real estate agent?

In order to become a certified real estate agent one would have to be licensed by the state or national governments of their region. There are very few classes offered in training, but there are many books published that could help.

Is it hard to become a real estate agent?

It is relatively easy to become a real estate agent. You would take your State's required courses and then a test to pass the State test and become licensed to engage in real estate.It is difficult to earn a living in real estate.But if you able to get through the market and use your experiences and knowledge, you may be able to become one of the best realtor agents in the market.

What skills and qualifications are needed to become a real estate agents?

For becoming a real estate agent, you would need to first go through some type of real estate training courses. Than you will need a to get an actual real estate license so that you are able to sell real estate.

What degree do you need to become a lawyer?

The degree that you would need to become a lawyer would be a law degree.

What degree would make you a great talent agent?

A large degree of vanity.

Where can one find a real estate agent overseas?

There are many sources a person can use to find a real estate agent overseas. Some of the more popular options would be through the websites Realtor, Real Estate and Emerging Real Estate.

Why would they become an FBI agent?

they would become an FBI agent because of there income or probably they would just like to protect their community

Can you file for bankruptcy and become a real estate agent?

Yes/Maybe But I would check with your Real Estate Agency to make sure for your state. With this type of market most agents are getting out of Real Estate so by the time you get your license hopefully the market will be better. GOOD LUCK!!

Is it necessary to pursue a law degree to become a patent agent or can you just do diploma and specialization in patents and that would be enough?

A 'patent agent' is someone who is not a lawyer who processes patents for customers. If they're an attorney they are a 'patent lawyer.'