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You should use a very good cream or a good moistureiser

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Q: What deals with texture and wrinkles?
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What are the specific conditions for use of microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion treats specifically on milder skin imperfections such as wrinkles, fine lines, clogged skin pores, coarse skin texture etc.

What is the best solution to get rid off Scars?

The treatments like Microdermabrasin and Hydrodermabrasion equipment to get rid of dead cells, improve skin texture, smooth fine wrinkles and improve the colour.

What does crinkly mean?

Crinkly means having small wrinkles, creases, or folds. It is often used to describe something with a wrinkled or crumpled texture, like paper or fabric.

If you take two showers a day will you get wrinkles?

Ofcourse not. Smoking gives you wrinkles. Old age gives you wrinkles. Frowning gives you wrinkles. Not showers.

Will typing cause wrinkles I type a lot on my ccomputer and my friend says it can give hand wrinkles it it true?

No. Hand wrinkles are normal and you can't get wrinkles from typing.

What is a sentence using the word wrinkles?

My grandma has wrinkles all over her face. Bulldogs have wrinkles on their faces. My grandma thinks that the cream on the cmercial will actually get ride of her wrinkles.

What is the role of glycolic acid in skin care?

Glycolic acid is used to improve the skins texture and appearance. It is known to reduce the effect of wrinkles and also acne. It is part of many skin care products today.

Does eyeliner give you wrinkles?

No, you get wrinkles naturally and from sun exposure.

When was Wrinkles in Time created?

Wrinkles in Time was created in 1994.

When was Eric Wrinkles born?

Eric Wrinkles was born in 1960.

When did Eric Wrinkles die?

Eric Wrinkles died in 2009.

How many wrinkles in anus?

Precisely 31 or 33 wrinkles.