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Every culture is affected by globalization on some level.

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11y ago

Pretty much all cultures are being bastardised because of too much globalisation and the stupid ideology that is multiculturalism.

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Q: What culture are being affected by globalization?
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how has the globalization of culture and science affected the united states

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globalization affected trade and culture

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it is affected by loads of people

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Every culture

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What is A consequence of globalization is political boundaries?

Globalization results in the loss of cultural uniqueness of individual cultures in lieu of the formation of a blended culture that is a result of the various component cultures. Globalization takes focus off of the individual culture and places it on the collective culture.

Is globalization driven by trade?

Depending on the category of globalization, yes and no. For the economic definition of globalization, yes it is based on trade. However, for the historical context of globalization, it is based on culture.

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the effect of globalization on information technology could be thatthe more people in the world the more knowledge there is to be shared with computers. as the human race develops there is alway a chance of someone being born who will know more.

What are some tips for a globalization and comsumption test?

Globalization is the spread of goods and culture throughout the world. Cultural diffusion is the spreading of ideas or products from one culture to another. They relate to each other because they are both the spread of something throughout the Earth. Consumption is the using up of goods and services. Globalization relates to consumption because the more a place has of globalization, the more it has, and the more it can consume. American consumption patterns affect people and places. If we use more than we need of something, there may not be enough of that for everybody. It affects whether we are a developed country, or a developing country. Globalization affects culture because the more culture spreads, the more the original culture changes. Globalization relates to of free trade, because free trade lets goods be traded easily, and globalization is the spread of culture and goods. Globalization helps multinational corporations because without globalization they would not spread to other countries. Gross domestic product relates to globalization because lots of globalization makes the GDP go up. GDP relates to consumption because the more we produce the more we can consume.

Not an example of globalization of culture?

Full-body coverings for women in Iran

Some problems of Japan's culture and globalization?

People are not always repectable.