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Q: What best describes the conditions under r-3 budget exhibit is submitted?
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Best describes the purpose of the P-40a budget exhibit?

Provide narrative justification and total procurement costs for each individual end item in an aggregated P-1 line item.

What word describes a budget that is tightly controlled?

A stringent budget.

Which describes a budget in which expenditures exceed revenue?

budget deficit

Which term describes a budget in which expenditures exceed revenue?

budget deficit

What best describes a budget with equal expenditures and revenue?

balanced budget

When has Obama ever submitted a budget?

Yes he has. It's a political myth, spread by his opponents, that he never submitted a budget. Just about every president in the modern era has submitted a budget, but that does not mean congress will pass it.

Who controls federal taxes and spending?

The budget and bills dealing with money starts in the house. The annual budget is submitted by the president and congress votes on it.

Did Jimmy Carter run a budget surplus?

Yes, in President Carter;s last year in office his administration submitted a balanced budget to congress. Nixon NO; Ford NO; Reagan NO; Bush NO.

What term describes an accounting of the flow of energy into through and out of earth?

Earth's energy budget.

Is it true that Obama did not submit budget?

No, not exactly. Mr. Obama has submitted his budget requests each year; in some cases, he submitted them as much as a month late, but he did submit them, as all the major newspapers have reported. Unfortunately, a president does not pass a budget-- only Congress does. A president (any president) submits them, but then Congress goes over the president's requests and either agrees to fund them or refuses to fund them (or in some cases, ignores the requests or delays making a decision). In this case, thanks to partisan gridlock, very little that Mr. Obama has requested has resulted in any action. But that does not mean he never submitted his budget requests.

What branch prepares budget?

The Executive Branch of government prepares the federal budget. This is then reviewed by the Legislative Branch. An appropriations bill is then submitted back to the President to be signed into law or to be vetoed.

Which term describes the blueprint of how the government will raise and spend money?
