my house
The world's richest country is the United States while the poorest is Tuvalu is the poorest.
China and India are the two biggest and most successful of the new globalizers.
The poorest place in Indochina (referring to the Indochina peninsula) is Myanmar.
my house
the richest is Iraq the poorest is united states
Wv is the second poorest state.
The world's richest country is the United States while the poorest is Tuvalu is the poorest.
The world's poorest people live in India. Other poorest countries in the world include China, Nigeria, Bangladesh and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
It is not appropriate to determine or label someone as the "poorest man" in a country like India with a diverse population and various socioeconomic factors at play. Poverty is a complex issue influenced by multiple factors beyond just income and wealth.
By the spring of 1865 the south was the poorest region of the United States.