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Q: What are the steps taken by government of india to increase agricultural produce?
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Related questions

Where can you get agricultural advice in India?

The government of India seems to be a very good source for agricultural information. There are District Agricultural Officers and District Horticulture Officers that you can contact.

Meaning and definition of agmark?

AGMARK is a certification mark employed on agricultural products in India, assuring that they conform to a set of standards approved by the Directorate of Marketing and Inspection, an agency of the Government of India.

How do you contact the Agricultural Minister of India?

You will find the official web site for the Department of Agricultural, India and all government individuals, etc. in the Related Link below.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of international trade in context to India?

An advantage of international trade in context to India is increase in the collection taxes for the utilization of its government. A disadvantage, on the other hand, is that local farmers cannot compete with the lower price of agricultural goods from international trade, thus lower income for the agricultural sector.

What is agmark?

Agmark is a label affixed to agricultural products in India. It certifies that they meet the Indian government's standards for quality.

What has the author A K Singhal written?

A. K. Singhal has written: 'Agricultural marketing in India' -- subject(s): Farm produce, Marketing

Who is the government of NABARD?

NABARD stands for National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development. It is one of the largest development banks in India which has its headquarters in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. It was established in 1982 to help provide funding to the agricultural population of India. It is fully owned and controlled by the Government of India.

Who is the president of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research?

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research answers to the Indian Central Government, and as such its ex-officioPresident is India's Minister of Agriculture, Sharad Pawar. Pawar is a Maharashtran politician and the founder of India's National Congress Party.

What has the author Stanley I Richards written?

Stanley I. Richards has written: 'Trends in India's agricultural trade' -- subject(s): Commerce, Produce trade

When agmark standard was first introduced in India?

It was introduced in 1937 under Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act of 1937 (and ammended in 1986).

Where is the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences in India?

The National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of India is in New Delhi.

What has the author K Subbarao written?

K. Subbarao has written: 'Public works as a safety net' -- subject(s): Public works, Economic development projects, Poverty, Government policy 'Agricultural marketing and credit' -- subject(s): Marketing, Farm produce, Agricultural credit 'Toward an understanding of household vulnerability in rural Kenya' -- subject(s): Households, Rural poor, Rural conditions 'Institutions, infrastructure, and regional variations in India's input delivery system' 'Improving nutrition in India' -- subject(s): Nutrition, Government policy, Malnutrition