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The root cause of global recessoin is, the the indivdualistic perspective in different fields, which leads to antagonistic sectarian development. Such tubular vision and consequent passoinate pursuits aggravate the antagonism. The result is prevalence of destructive forces in politics, economics, environment etc.

Production of what is required for the people in world in the fields of health, education, agriculture, housing etc. is actually conducive to healthy growth of the businesses and well being of people.

But instead, today production and the capital required for it is determined by sectarian forces! Their sale is promoted by media hype and marketing, which are also driven by setarian forces. The governments and large number of people are tempted and driven by sectarian forces and hence the investment in company shares keeps swelling.

However due to the negligence of global society and suffering of billions whose buyin power is sqeezed, the stiffling of such sectarian industries and businesses becomes inevitable and they begin to collapse. The share prices begin to dwindle.

Since the money pumped in these businesses, whether by governments or investors, it is essentially peoples, money [ which would have potentially useful for the global and alround development], the people suffer maximum. The investors suffer to some extent because they still have buffering power. The business houses [with much greater buffering power, however are largely shieded as their loss is actually loss of public money.

Hence the accurate and effective remedy to prevent and overcome global recession is global perspective. Global recession cannot be overcome effectively merely by sectarian and piece meal palliative measures, but only through policies driven by perspective of global welfare in terms of priorities and rectifying steps in environment, agriculture, housing, health, education etc.

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