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P: More jobs are created. Higher salaries. More advanced technology is brought to the country.

N: National products are produced less.

Multinational corporations may take advantage of the country's conditions to pay less to employees or give them less benefits, insurances...

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Q: What are the positive and negative impacts on employment in developing countries where factories are being built by multinational corporations?
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Are multinational corporations beneficial to developing countries?


Questions about multinational companies in developing countries?

What are the advantages of multinational companies to the developing countries?

How do multinational corporations contribute to the maintenance of international stratification?

Multinational corporations often exploit lower-cost labor in developing countries, contributing to income inequality between nations. They can also exacerbate environmental degradation in countries with weaker regulations, further perpetuating global disparities. Additionally, these corporations may engage in tax avoidance practices that deprive developing countries of much-needed revenue for social welfare programs.

How countries are interdependent?

Nationalist organizations and multinational corporations

What is the role of multinational corporations in globalization?

Multinational companies play an important economic role in developing countries. One example is the ability of multinational companies to fill a country's trade gap by providing an influx of foreign capital.

Why do multinational corporations have their manufacturing plants in developing countries?

There are two main reasons why a firm will build a facility in another country: 1) They want to have a manufacturing facility closer to one of their larger markets. 2) They can manufacture their products more cheaply overseas due to cheaper labour costs.

What are the types of MNC?

It is a corporation/business entity/enterprise that manages production establishments or delivers services in at least two countries. There are three types of MNCs. They are: Horizontally integrated multinational corporations. Vertically integrated multinational corporations. Diversified multinational corporations.

How have multinational corporations changed the global economy?

Multinational corporations have made it possible for goods and services to be provided across the borders. They are important in stabilizing the economies of various countries.

What is Trans national corporations?

Transnational corporations are companies (such as mcdonalds) that have branches all over the world. They differ from Multinational Corporations as they are in more countries.

Objectives of Multinational Corporations on Trade?

Exploitation of resources of third world countries.

How do countries protect their domestic economy from excessive influence by multinational corporations?

D. By requiring the multinational to export a certain percentage of its product.

How do countries protect their domestic economy from excessive you fluency by multinational corporations?

D. by requiring the multinational to export a certain percentage of its productE2020 :)