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An employee's capacity, tools used on the job and the type of incentive given all affect productivity. With the right tools, employees can increase their chances at meeting production each day.

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Q: What are the factors that influence productivity?
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Two factors that influence a region's photosynthetic productivity are the availability of sunlight and the presence of nutrients. Sunlight is crucial for photosynthesis as it provides the energy needed for the process. Nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, are essential for plant growth and photosynthetic activity. Lack of either sunlight or nutrients can limit photosynthetic productivity in a region.

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Productivity in temperate oceans is determined by factors such as nutrient availability, light levels, temperature, and water movement. These factors influence the growth of phytoplankton, which forms the base of the food chain in marine ecosystems. Phytoplankton productivity supports the productivity of higher trophic levels in the ocean.

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Water availability, temperature, soil type, and fire are some of the physical factors that most influence a prairie ecosystem. These factors contribute to the type of plants that can thrive in the prairie, influence nutrient availability, and impact overall ecosystem diversity and productivity.

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One possible qualitative issue that may influence productivity levels but is not captured by productivity ratios is employee morale. Low morale can result in decreased motivation, engagement, and overall satisfaction, which in turn can impact productivity levels despite no change in measured output.

Economic environment in buiness?

The totality of economic factors, such as employment, income, inflation, interest rates, productivity, and wealth, that influence the buying behavior of consumers and institutions.Hailegiorgis Biramo Allaro11 October 2011

Discuss how physical factors influence the productivity of the world's ecosystem?

Physical factors such as climate, sunlight, temperature, and water availability directly impact the productivity of ecosystems by influencing the rates of photosynthesis, plant growth, and nutrient cycling. For example, areas with high levels of sunlight and rainfall tend to support more productive ecosystems compared to regions with limited sunlight and water. Additionally, factors like soil type and topography can also affect productivity by influencing the distribution of plant species and their ability to access nutrients.