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Q: What are the examples of a fungible goods?
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What is the difference between a fungible good and nonfungible good?

A fungible good is interchangeable with another identical unit, such as currency or oil, whereas a nonfungible good is unique and not interchangeable, such as art or real estate. Fungible goods can be exchanged on a one-to-one basis, while nonfungible goods have distinct characteristics that differentiate them from each other.

What is non fungible in law?

In law, "non-fungible" refers to unique assets that cannot be easily replaced or exchanged for something else of equal value. This is important in various legal contexts, such as intellectual property rights or unique physical assets like art or collectibles, where the individual characteristics of the asset are significant.

How do you use fungible in a sentence?

If something is fungible it can be broken into pieces without losing much of its value. Something is fungible or it is not. Gold can be melted down and split into smaller bars with no loss of value, therefor it is fungible. Gasoline is fungible, you can sell two half gallons for the same price as a single gallon. A race horse is not fungible. An iPod is not fungible. A rare coin is not fungible. You're not fungible. Hope this helps.

What is fungible?

Production of rice.

Does fungible mean interchangeable?

Yes it does

What is in example of fungible good?


Examples of unsought goods?

The main examples of unsought goods arelife insurancea gravestone. tas

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