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The evils of money is the 5 letter word GREED. Of the 45000+ words in the English language Greed is what is bring this Country the united states of america down to its knees. The leaders that we put into office to run this country are in it for one thing (Greed for themselves) When you look out for number one only you will let all the others down.

Not only does the love of money contribute to greed , but most evils of this world.

There is the power that can be obtained from haveing it. This also contributes to pride, ego and the oppression of others who are just as worthy of living on this planet given they are given an education, of which many cannot get simply because it is unaffordable to them. Money also contributes to over-indulgence from those with alot of it (spoiling of ones self). Those who use it to sell trends and fashion push people to vanity.

A big problem is when it is used for sexual exploitation and the selling of ones self.

When one thinks about it, most wars are waged for resources and such, to make money. How much of the economy and jobs depend on war and the sale of weapons.

How many people are jeulous of others because of it ? How many have spite towards others because of it ?

It was clear to Jesus , and is to me that people have to get rid of money to achieve a world of peace, understanding, love, and all the other good traits God wants his children to have.

Yes, we are pushed into a life of vanity and materialism from childhood and up, by the media, government and those who think money is the way to prosperity, when it is clearly not. Love , a loving family and loving friends is happiness, which is prosperity, not our stuff, for many people are never satisfied with enough stuff and think that this is what life is about.

And look at the justice system, and how one has to buy justice and one can buy their way through it. Everything is corrupted by the love of money and good morality becomes the victom of it. If people really cared about one another, the way many say they do, we would lead a moderate life and control our wants, so that all could share in education - then jobs and a happy satisfying life for all...

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