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Q: What are the disadvantages of exit price?
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Is exit price accounting retrospective or forward looking in its approach?

Exit Price Accounting is forward looking as it takes into consideration exit prices. That is, we have to look at what would be the price of the asset if we were going to sell it in the future. The concept of going concern is questioned here because if the firm is supposed to continue operations indefinitely in the foreseeable future, then why does it have to sell its assets? Here, Exit Price certainly comes under the limelight of critics!

Disadvantages of price mechanism?

Price mechanism is the system where supply and demand are what determines prices of products or services. Unemployment, inflation, and uneven distribution of resources are disadvantages of price mechanism.

What is exit price accounting?

Exit price accounting is a form of current cist accounting which occures when an entity decisde to exit the industry, it sold out its assets based on its net selling prices at the balance sheet date and on the basis of orderly sales.

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How do you calculate Exit Yield?

Exit yield is calculated by dividing the annualized income generated by an investment property upon sale by the property's sale price. The exit yield formula is: Exit Yield = (Net Operating Income / Sale Price) * 100.

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What are the disadvantages of marine insurance?

There are really not many disadvantages of having marine insurance or any other insurance. One of the disadvantages could be the price.

What are the advantages disadvantages of the price mechanism?

price mechanism is hte demand and supply of goods and services