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The question is ambiguous, but generally, there is no particular advantage to capital gains for a trust v. an individual. It's still the same rate.

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Q: What are the capital gains tax advantages to selling a primary residence held by a living trust if it is sold while the Trustee is still living?
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If you live there, of course. If you do not live there, then it is not you 'primary residence'.

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They are independent properties and there should be no effect on taxes on the primary residence as long as it continues to meet the requirements for a primary residence.

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It can raise the standard of living by bringing in capital and increasing employment.

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Probably the biggest difference is the tax consequences. Different investments get taxes at different rates. Consider you can have a capital gain on the sale of your primary residence of up to $500,000 and NO tax liability for a husband and wife as long as it was their primary residence for 2 of the last 5 years.

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Do you have to pay capital gains taxes when you sell a house?

If you had the home as your primary residence within the past 2 years, you will not have the pay the taxes. This is as long as you did not gain more than $250,000 from the sale.Ê

Do i qualify for the tax credit if i bought my house as 2nd home but actually live in it?

The key here is this. Is the second purchase your PRIMARY residence? If you live in the home 24/7...not a vacation use this address for your mail and primary residence, then it IS your primary residence. That fulfills the obligation in the rules for the tax credit.