There are never any real benefits of fake goods. A pyramid scheme is usually the driving force of fake goods, fake pay and fake business opportunities. For example in those acai berry drinks, no one can verify how much acai is really avail. Or products with secret ingredients are usually bogus. Momentis deals with real products and services. Real pay, real business opportunities.
people can trade for goods such as spices
Household consumer vs Industrial consumer
Merit goods provide benefits to society as a whole.Public goods also provide benefits to society as a whole. But a public good can serve a small number of people or a large number of people at exactly the same cost.Education would be a merit good - it benefits everyone.A lighthouse would be a public good - it benefits everyone, but costs the same to supply to one person as it does to supply to thousands of people. One person's consumption of a public good does not diminish the supply for someone else.
benefits are provided to many people at the same time.
The goods in factory outlets cannot be advertised as real if they are fake. If they are fake, they can be reported to the overseeing agencies.
it is Aussie
Benefits are what you receive from insurance for instance. This is the goods, service or monetary amounts you are entitled to.
knock-off, imitation, ersatz
more transportation of goods, better jobs with higher pay, more goods in and out.
people can trade for goods such as spices
You can find fake flowers in the store called Home Goods. They have a lot of fake flowers there. You can also go to Bed Bath and Beyond. There is a site online called afloral and they have big arrangement of flowers.
Household consumer vs Industrial consumer
we dont have to pay for it to be shiped here.
The market is blooming with fakes. Beware of the fake products.
Public goods can best be described as services provided by the government to benefit all citizens.