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firstly ethical objectves are the goals set by an organisation that fall within an established set of moral guidliness or fair business practices

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Q: What are the benefit to a business if setting ethical objectives?
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What is the benefits of a business setting smart objectives?

the benifits of setting smart objectives are, because they help you work

Why are business objectives important?

Business objectives is very important to a business because the business needs to create financial, operational, social and environmental goals to acheive. By setting objectives you know where the busines is heading and how its going to have a competitve advantage in the mass market.

Describe the management activities involved in running a successful organisation?

goal setting. analysis of business. setting objectives.

What is the importance of setting business objectives?

It is important to set objectives in business in order to keep focused so as not to waste time, money and other resources. The narrower the focus, the easier it is to get your business right.

What is the meaning of setting direction?

Setting directions means that a business establishes milestones that help them achieve their overall goals. As the business meets objectives, it moves in one direction.

What is the purpose of setting aims for business?

the purpose of setting aims and objectives for a business are to motivate the staff. so they have something to look forward to, something to really go for and aim for. helped, or not?

What is the purpose of setting aims and objectives in business?

The reason you set aims and objectives in business is to give yourself and the other people you work with something to work towards. Without a destination, people will not stay focused.

How are business ethics developed?

The process for setting standards needs to be a top-down approach--management must develop and support an ethical code.

Describe the purpose of setting aims and objectives for a business?

because they want to set there long term goals

If an entity which has objectives like and ldquocharitable or other not for profit objectives and would be able to set up under LLP Act?

No. The essential requirement for setting LLP is 'carrying on a lawful business with a view to profit'.

What standards does the legal environment in regard to ethical behavior in business?

The legal environment in regard to ethical behavior in business includes laws and regulations that govern issues such as corruption, bribery, fraud, discrimination, and environmental protection. Companies must comply with these standards to avoid legal consequences and maintain their reputation. Ethical behavior in business is important for building trust with stakeholders and operating in a socially responsible manner.

Discuss the four fundamentals management tasks in business namely planning organizing leadership and control?

Planning: refers to the setting of goals,objectives and strategies of a organization.