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It depends on what kind of resources!

  1. If I waste my time, I won't reach my goals.
  2. If farmers overuse the soil, it won't produce crops.
  3. If governments use up coal or oil, we won't have fuels.
  4. If we don't prevent air pollutants, plants and trees will die; humans will have less oxygen in the air.
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Q: What are the affects or results of the unwise use of resources?
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What are the effects of unwise use of earth's resources?

Most of the earth's resources are finite. This means that some of the effects of unwise use of earth's resources means depletion and pollution.

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there are fewer resources available

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it affects the Earth because once you use all the natural resources there's no more left. for example say someone cuts down the trees we cant just make more trees.

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It is often unwise to take shortcuts.

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Increased competition for resources, potential degradation of the ecosystem due to overexploitation of resources, and possible shift in ecological relationships between species.

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