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the advantages is they get bay more and they need to work more

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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of peasant farming?
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What are some advantages of peasant farming in the Caribbean?

Some advantages of peasant farming in the Caribbean include providing employment opportunities, a source of fresh and locally grown produce, and preserving traditional farming practices and biodiversity. Peasant farming also contributes to food security and offers a sustainable livelihood for small-scale farmers in the region.

What are advantages and disadvantages of inorganic farming?

There is no such thing as "inorganic" farming. There's farming, then there's organic farming.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of inorganic farming?

There is no such thing as "inorganic" farming. There's farming, then there's organic farming.

Advantages and disadvantages of peasant farming?

I'm trying to figure out the same thing god retards if you dont know anything then dont post it-_- such nublets... first of all, peasant farming is advantagous because they have a land to work on , and earn more money then average peasants, and the disadvantage is that they are working for the lord, and that lord's rule which means you do what your boss orders you to do.

Advantages and disadvantages of subsistence farming?

u might make enough for the family

What is the comparison between peasant farming an commercial arable farming?

peasant farming- small scale commercial farming-large scale

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of peasant farming?

Peasant farming provides employment opportunities for rural communities, helps preserve traditional farming methods and local biodiversity, and can contribute to food security. However, it may lack access to modern technology and resources, leading to low productivity and limited income. Peasant farmers also face various challenges such as land tenure issues, climate change impacts, and market fluctuations.

What type of farming do most people in Africa do?

peasant farming

What are Advantages and disadvantages of corporate farming?

The advantages of a farmers co-op is that people can get access to what they need. The disadvantage is that farmers may find it challenging to get ahead.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of indoor pig farming?

There are many advantages of a pig farming system. One such advantage of a pig farming system is their dung which makes an excellent pond fertilizer.

What advantages and disadvantages did the north have?

They had factories to produce lots of weapons, however they lacked adaquate farming. A commodity of which the south was abundant.