An assumption is a condion taken for granted but without which the research effort cannot go ahead.
Econometrics is basically applied statistics. The theory you learn in statistics can be used to answer questions posed in the field of economics. Because this application is mathematical, it allows economists to perform research using economic data in an empirical, scientific, and rigorous manner.
17. Conduct research to find examples of countries that have changed from a command economy to a market economy. What kind of changes did the country need to make?
the nature of operation research?
Primary research or field research, is more expensive than secondary research because the material is not already available, hence the researcher must conduct their own research, creating surveys etc, which all cost money. Secondary research or desk research, is already available in libraries, the internet etc so the researcher does not have to conduct research, therfore requiring no/ little money
Similarities between pure and applied research
applied research
Examples of applied comprehension include interpreting a set of instructions to assemble furniture, analyzing a complex legal document to understand its implications, or summarizing a scientific research paper to extract key findings.
Technology is advancing all the time. Any new research is applied to the current technology. Therefore, applied research is basically research into technology that is then applied!
Applied Research
Applied Data Research was created in 1959.
Applied research may mean something of a conducted study that was applied in real time and develop a conclusion from the research that was conducted.
Pure research is merely to find out what is going on. Applied research is to find out what is going on so you can use it for some purpose.
Applied Physics Research Group was created in 2001.
Applied Economics Research Centre was created in 1973.
Examples of basic research include studying the fundamental properties of a material, investigating the functions of a particular gene, and exploring the behavior of particles in physics. This type of research aims to expand our understanding of the world without any immediate practical application in mind.
Examples of applied research include developing a new medical treatment for a specific disease, improving crop yields through innovative farming techniques, and testing the effectiveness of a new teaching method in schools. Applied research focuses on solving practical problems and addressing specific needs in various fields.