disadvantages of nationalized industries
Primary industries create raw materials for secondary industries.
Advantages of small scale industries are that they can be more personable. Small industries are better able to make their own rules than larger industries. Disadvantages are that they are often more expensive than large industries do have to fight to stay afloat.
what are the advantages of small scale industries?
Primary sector industries are involved in procuring naturally-occuring resources, applying little processing (or none at all). Some examples of primary sector industries include:Extraction of fossil fuels (such as crude oil).Timber/woodcutting.MiningFishingAgriculture
industries and their disadvantages
disadvantages of nationalized industries
what are the advantages and disadvantages primary cells?
Primary industries create raw materials for secondary industries.
Department of Primary Industries - Victoria - was created in 2002.
Roughly 20% of the country is employed in primary industries.
Nathan Guy is the Minister for Primary Industries for New Zealand.
people what work proportion? industries primary in of finland
Primary industry, as obvious, has machines.XD
One third of the population works in primary industries in austria.
list 20 primary industries