Fishing, mining, agriculture, and forestry are the major industries of the western cordillera.
deregulation of major industries
Some of the major industries in Canada are oil and logging. Other industries include vehicle and plane building, as well as software.
The four major industries of Oregon are agriculture, forestry (and fisheries), tourism, and technology.
apples apples apples
buisness people
New York City
new yorks main land regions?
They help world to survive because manufacturing gives us food.
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New York City! New York City!
new yorks major cities are canada and asia
New York's major agricultural sources are milk, grapes, apples, cattle, vegetables, and hay.
Some of the major industries of colonial New Jersey were agriculture and lumber.
The major industries that made the new England colonies prosperous were mainly farming, lumbering and fishing. These were industries that were operated in most colonies.