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Q: What are Employee wages are an example of?
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Related questions

Can a Ca employer hold an employees wages?

There are situations where a California employer can hold an employee's wages. If the employee's wages are being garnished the employer can hold them.

If an employee steals from his employer can this amount be added to the employee's wages as taxable income?

This money cannot be added to the employee's wages as taxable income. This money is not theirs and should be reported to the police.

Do you pay income tax that an employee owed when they send it in a 1099 form?

Form 1099 is used for NON-employee compensation; for example, a contractor. If the person is an employee, then you need to file a W-2 form to report wages and withholding.

What is Remunaration?

It is the wages and bonuses paid to an employee.

If employer makes a mistake calculating past wages can the employer take back overpayment of wages from employee?

Yes. It is the employee's responsibilty to ensure their salary is correct.

What were wages in pulp mills in 2001?

Employee wages averaged $21.41 per hour in 2001

Could we get reimburse for check issued to wrong employee?

Yes, you may cancel this check or demand reimbursement for whatever the employee owes in excess of their duly earned wages for that pay period. The employee has no entitlement to wages they did not earn.

What percentage can a company garnish an employee's wages?

First, a company can not garnish an employee's wages. A court order is required to begin a garnishment of wages which a company is legally required to follow. Federal law mandates that a maximum of 60% of an employee's income can be garnished. This amount is determined by a judge and varies from situation to situation.

Does the employee have to be served first before they can garnishee your wages?


What is an operative employee?

Somebody who works for hourly or daily wages.

Can a Texas salaried nonexempt employee have wages deducted for hours not worked?

I have looked through the FLSA information and deducting wages for hours not worked as a salaried nonexempt employee in Texas, I can not find the answer.

Is an employer required by law to notify the employee before garnishing wages?

The company does have to notify the employee before deduct from their wages. Many states have laws covering this and in some states thay cannot deduct without the employee's written authorization.