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Greyson Swaniawski

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Q: What Economics is about the production of goods and services which requires the allocation of what?
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Economics is about the production of goods and services which requires allocation of what?


Economics is about the production of good and services which requires the allocation of what?


Economics is about the production of goods and services which requires the allocation of what?


Economics is about the allocation of resources for the production and distribution of goods?

Economics is about the allocation of resources for the production and distribution of goods and ___________.

What Economics is about the production of goods and services which require the allocation of what?


What Economics is about allocating resources to produce and distribute?

Economics is about the allocation of resources for the production and distribution of goods and _services_

Define economics using the following terms allocation distribution goods resources production and services?

I am presuming that economics refers to a certain type of science that serves with the inquiry of consumption of goods, allotment/allocation distribution, and both the production and distribution of services and goods. Economics can help solve the problem of resource recycling for the benefit of mankind.

The study of the production of goods and services would most likely be conducted in what social sciences?

The study of the production of goods and services would most likely be conducted in the field of economics. Economics focuses on the allocation of resources to produce goods and services efficiently and how individuals, businesses, and governments make decisions related to production.

What is the relationship of economics and socialscience?

Economics is the ssc that analyzes the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.

What is economics about when it comes to the production and deistribution of goods and services?


What are some economics problem?

Economic problems relate to production of goods and services for consumptions with the scarcity of resources and the choices with the allocation of the available resources for production.The modern theory looks into the problem of level of income and employment,investment,savings,production and consumption including exports.

What is the role of the price system?

In economics, a price system determines the allocation of scarce resources and induces supply to respond to change in demand. It also rations out scarce product, indicates change in want, is in use in the production of goods and services, and determines the reward factors of production.