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Q: To trade something you have for something you want?
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What are some antonyms for Barter?

trade;trade for something both partcipants want. Buy or purchase.

How do you get someone to trade something good on Build-a-Bearville?

you have to give them something that they really want

How are trade items valued?

Trade items are valued via supply and demand. If you have something that most people want and there is not a lot of them, the price is high. If you have something, that most people don't want or need, then the price is low.

If you want a skateboard that someone else has how do you get it?

You ask them if they'll let you buy it from them. Or if they want to trade something of yours for their skateboard.

When you want to trade Pokemon it says register Pokemon you did and then it says ask for a trade you did and it says not now why?

Simple answer for you. Nothing complicated. If it says not now, the person you asked does not want to trade with you. But you can invite them to draw and if they draw with you, you can write a message saying that you'll do something they want to do, like battle, if they trade with you afterward. It's as simple as that.

How does the global trade station on Pokemon platinum work?

It's just a simple process of searching for a Pokemon you want to trade something for from anyone around the world, finding the person who has the Pokemon you want, giving them the Pokemon that they wanted, and the trade is done. where is the location of the global trade station

How do you trade items in Team Fortress 2?

When you have someone on the server you want to trade with. Press escape to open the pause menu and click manage items. Click trade items or something similar. click the middle button and choose the person you want to trade with. You'll send them a request for trade. If they accept the trade menu will open, put the items you want to trade in one of your trade slots, check the "ready" checkbox when you're ready to trade. Then choose trade now at the bottom of the screen.

What is industrial trade?

industrial trade is when you trade something for something ealce that is more valuable.

How do you pay people in Minecraft?

There is no "Money" in Vanilla Minecraft (original, unmodded version). You can only "trade" with NPC villagers, give them one or two of something they want and they will give you something in exchange. If you want to give something or trade with someone then just throw it on the ground and they can then pick it up. If your on a modded server then ask one of the admins to tell you how.

Why does specialization cause regions to trade?

Because the country or region is missing something that they need to satisfy the peoples needs or want.

Why do you trade stuff from different countres?

made answer by:MeMe882we trade stuff from different countries because we want something of theirs and the other countries want gas and oil from Qatar where i live here and i was borned here is Qatarplease answer anything please if you have any answers about what can you trade with different countries please.

Does anybody want to trade Pokemon with you so you can get arceus?

I will if you give a shiny charizard or something else good email