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The United States Supreme Court said YES, so you can go with their logic.

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Q: Should the government break up standard oil's monopoly?
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What important monopoly did roosevelt use the government break up?

standard oil company

When is the US federal government allowed to break up businesses?

If the business has no competition and becomes a monopoly.

Who was chief council for Standard Oil breakup?

Th stamdard oil break up is made up of different powers in monopoly. Including Mostly John d Rockefeller

Which monopoly did Theodore Roosevelt break up?

In 1904 President Roosevelt got the supreme court to rule that Northern securities company was a monopoly.

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The first European nation to attempt to break the Italian monopoly on trade with the far east in the 15th century was?

What summarizes the idea in the introduction of the declaration of independence?

When people break away from their government, they should explain why that government was unfair.

Is Microsoft a monopoly and what did the courts conclude?

break up into smaller, independent companies

What best summarizes the ideas in the introduction to the Declaration of Independence?

When people break away from their government, they should explain why that government was unfair.

According to the declaration of independence what should people do when the government abuses it's a power?

The people can either start boycotts, or break away from the government as did America.

What condition can a monopoly lose money?

Yes a monopoly can lose money. If they are caught monopolizing in the US the courts will demand they break up the monopoly causing more companies to be made and more taxes to be brought forth, not including fines for having a monopoly.

The complete control of a product or service by a single company?

This is known as a monopoly, where one company dominates the market and has exclusive control over a product or service, limiting competition and potentially influencing pricing and quality. Monopolies can have negative impacts on consumers and may lead to reduced innovation and efficiency in the market. Government regulation is often used to prevent or break up monopolies to protect consumers and promote healthy competition.

How should the government deal with teen pregnancy?

It is NOT the government's concern. We as a people have to re-learn how to be responsible for our own actions. The government is not there to bail people out, although they often break the rules.