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Purchasing departments research products and the costs of products to determine the best options. Purchasing departments are a big factor when you consider a company's ability to make a profit.

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Q: Role of purchasing department
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What are the role of the purchasing department in an organization?

The purchasing department is responsible for buying all the goods and services for the organization.

What is role of purchasing department in an organization?

To purchase the materials the organization needs to opperate

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What is the strength and weakness of a purchasing department?

The primary job of the purchasing department involves making actual purchases for the company. The strength of purchasing departments is often the knowledge of the financial industry. The weakness of the purchasing department is usually the lack of significance of this particular department.

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The power of the purchasing department is greatly influenced by the success of the accounts department. Without accounts to produce revenue, the resources needed for the function of the purchasing simply do not exist. In simpler terms: No money=No purchases.

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The answer is that marketing and purchasing both uses money. and etc. Such as if i buy an outfit im purchasing something and the marketing department would get benefits.

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What is the meaning of RR in purchasing?

RR typically stands for "requisition request" in purchasing. It is a formal document submitted by an internal department to the purchasing department to request the procurement of goods or services. The RR outlines the specific items needed, quantities, and any other relevant details for the purchasing process.

A purchase order is sent from a company's?

purchasing department to the supplier