As of 4/12 one Egyptian pound is equal to .165 US dollars.
Approx. 370 US $ (17.08.2013).
Currently - 1GBP buys 1.36 USD
1 Eygptian pound equals .16 US Dollars (16 cents)
Assuming it's from circulation, £1.
=a pound has about $2 in it.=
one pound cost 3.78
Approximately 1/8 of a US gallon of water in a pound
One pound in British currency equals $1.55 in US currency. There is 1.63 in Canadian currency with one British pound.
As of 4/12 one Egyptian pound is equal to .165 US dollars.
One British Pound is currently equal to one US Dollar and 60 cents.
1.96909 million
Approx. 370 US $ (17.08.2013).
In 1940, the exchange rate for British pound to US dollar was around £1 to $4.03.
how much is the one pound bank note in the bank of biafra in us dollars,can you help me to answer this question thank you.
Currently - 1GBP buys 1.36 USD