0.1 Megajoule
One pound of U.S. dollars is equal to $490.00USD. 20 pounds of dimes equals $400.00USD. 30 pounds of nickels is equal to $136.00USD.
1,000,000 (1 million EURO) = 69746385.92 INR
One dime weighs 2.268 grams, and there are 453.592 grams in one pound. Rounding up, that makes 200 dimes in a pound, which is $20.
Modern (i.e. 1965 and later) US dimes weigh 2.27 gm each which is 0.08 oz. That means 200 dimes weigh about one US pound, so 10 lbs would be 2000 dimes or $20.
Ten dimes are Equal to One Dollar. So. Four Million Dimes are equal to Four Hundred Thousand Dollars.
One dime is 10 times as much as a penny, so 10 million dimes are equal to 100 million pennies.
One million dimes = $100,000
One hundred million dimes.
One hundred million dollars ($100,000,000) is the value of one billion dimes.
Ten times less, considering that one dime = 10 pennies.
A million times as much as in one dime. * * * * * I would have said that, since 10 pennies = 1 dime, it would be 10 million pennies.
There are ten dimes in a dollar.100,000 × 10 = 1,000,000 One million dimes
To make a million dollars using dimes, you would need 10,000,000 dimes. This is because there are 100 dimes in a dollar, so you would need to multiply 1,000,000 (one million) by 100 to get 100,000,000. Therefore, it would take 10,000,000 dimes to make a million dollars.
7 quarters equal $1.75 2 dimes equal $.20 You can also get it with 5 quarters and 7 dimes. 3 quarters and 12 dimes and one other way.
A billion is 1000 million in the United States. In the UK it is a million million. * * * * * In the UK since the middle 1960s, a million has officially been a thousand million - not a million million.