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modernisation as a planning objective create contradiction in the light of employment generation? Explain.

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Q: Modernisation as a planning objective explain?
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What are the strengths and weaknesses of the modernisation theory?

what are the strengths and weakness of modernization theory

What are the goals and objectives of Indian economic planning?

Economic Planing is the making of major economic decisions what and how much is to be produced and to whom it is to be allocated by the conscious decisions of a determining authority on the basis of a comprehensive survey of economic system as a whole. Main Objectives of Economic Planing is 1) Increase in National Income and Per capita Income. 2) Reduction of Inequality in Income. 3) Reduction in Regional Inequalities. 4) Price Stability 5) Economic Development 6) Full Employment 7) Full Utilization of Available Resources 8) Self Sufficient 9) Reconstruction

Why does business need multiple objective explain any five such objective?

Before starting a business, there always exists certain objective. Generally, the main objective of any business is to earn higher profits. But, this cannot be the only objective as the business needs to cater the demands and requirements of the various parties who are interested in the business. Therefore, the business needs to focus on the performance of each and every area for survival in the market. For this, there should be other objectives such as fulfillment of social responsibility, innovations, efficient use of natural resources, etc. Thus, it can be said that the business needs the multiple objectives.

Explain the forward planning of managerial economics?

A method for determining a production schedule by beginning with the production start date and workingforward to determine the production completion date.In this role, you will be responsible for managing the monthly planning schedule, prioritizing key item production and maintaining a forward-looking demand and production...

Explain why both short-term and long-term planning are important?

short term is financial asset used to run business at the market level whereas longterm is to invest to get maximum profit.

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