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Q: Is most of the countries in Africa have a command economy?
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What kind of economy do most North Africa countries have?

they have a developing economy.

How do most countries strike a balance between having a pure economy and a command economy?

Most Countries Have A Mixed Economy!!!:0 Oh Yeah We Ballin

What is Africa's type of economy?

Africa as a whole is a continent that comprises of many countries. But the sugested economy practice by most africans is a socialist economy.

What are the features of africa colonial economy?

The features of Africa colonial economy is that most of the countries inherited the structures from the colonialists.

Who are the developing economy's countries in world?

Most developing countries are in Africa, although any country pre-industrialization and in this millennium, digitalization can be considered to have a developing economy.

What countries economies has the fewest elements of a command economy and the most elements of a market economy the United States Germany France or Sweden?

the United States

Which countries dont have a mixed economy?

There isn't a national economy that is totally capitalist or totally command economy. Every economy leans to one or the other. The only examples that would differ would be tribal economies. The USA is regarded as the most capitalist economy but there are many elements of a 'command' ie. Federal Reserve, government intervention in the markets etc. Cuba could be regarded as the most command economy, but the free market infiltrates.

Explain how most countries have a mixed economy located on a continuum between pure market and pure command?

g yudiosk

Explain how most countries have a mixed economy located on a continuum between pure and market and pure command?

g yudiosk

Does Israel have a 'command economy'?

No. Like most European countries, Israel maintains a free-market economy with strong state regulation as well as some state-owned companies.

What continent has most developing countries?

Africa has the most developing countries.

What has the most developed economy in Africa?

South Africa