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Q: Is economy a common noun
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What is a noun for economy?

The word 'economy' is a noun, a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for the a system of management of resources and industry and the income generated from it in a particular geographic region.; the careful use of money or resources.

Is Economy a noun?

Yes, economy is a noun, a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for a system by which a country's trade, industry,and money are organized; and an uncountable noun as a word for the careful use of money, products, or time so that very little is wasted; a word for a thing.The word economy is also an adjective, a word to describe a noun as offering the best value for the money, for example an economy package or an economy move.

What type of noun is leanness?

The word 'leanness' is a common, abstract, mass (non-count) noun; a word for a quality of being meager, lacking fat, lacking flesh, or characterized by economy of style, expression, or operation.

What is the noun form of the word economy?

The word 'economy' is a noun form, a word for the wealth and resources of a country or region; a word for careful use of money and goods; a word for a thing.The word 'economy' also functions as an adjective, used to describe a noun (an economy car; an economy package).

What part of speech is economy?

The word economy is a singular noun. The plural term is economies.

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Common noun

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Is peas a common noun or proper noun?

Pea is a common noun, and peas is the plural...still a common noun.

What type of noun is nest?

A common noun.

Is bread in common noun?

Most definitely a common noun.

Is economy in economy crisis a noun adjective?

Yes, economy is an adjective in the term 'economy crisis'.

Is camels a proper or common noun?

Camel is a common noun.