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Q: Is coal cost effective
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What is the average price for coal fires?

The best guess seems to be $50 per month to heat a house with coal but it is very hard to determine the cost for each fire. It is considered a cost effective heating fuel.

Is Surface mining is a method of obtaining coal?

Yes, surface mining is a method of obtaining coal where coal deposits are close to the Earth's surface and can be extracted by removing layers of soil, rock, and vegetation. This method is used when coal is not deep underground, making it more cost-effective and faster to extract.

What are 3 advantages of coal?

Abundant and widely available resource. Reliable and cost-effective source of energy. Can be used to generate electricity with existing infrastructure.

Is the cost of wind effective?

Yes, the cost of wind energy has become competitive with traditional forms of electricity generation like coal and natural gas in many regions. Additionally, the cost of wind energy has been decreasing over time due to advancements in technology and economies of scale, making it a cost-effective option for generating electricity.

How much does the average coal cost?

the average bag of coal cost about $10.99 in the year of 2011

How much does coal cost per kwh?

Coal cost about $o.o54 cents per kwh

How much does it cost to make electricity from coal?

That very much depends on the cost of the coal. Question has no answer

What is the cost of coal?

The cost of coal is very high. Truly, it is at the rate of $15.22 per metric ton.

What is tyne coal?

Tyne coal isn't a type of coal. Tyne Coal is a company that mines coal off the cost of Tyne.

What does cost effective mean?

Cost-effective is the principal of going for the lowest cost.

Are the sources of energy cost effective or not?

It depends on the type of energy source and its specific context. Some sources of energy, like wind and solar, have become more cost-effective as technology advances. Others, like coal and nuclear, may be cost-effective in the short term but have hidden costs such as environmental damage and waste disposal. It is important to consider the full lifecycle costs and benefits of each energy source to determine overall cost effectiveness.

How much does oil and coal energy cost?

Oila nd coal are very expensive. They cost very large.