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It is measured by Real GDP, the reason is because you cant just say GDP. GDP consists of nominal and real GDP, nominal GDP does not include prices at different constants in other words it just uses one base price for all the different times, whereas real GDP consists of varying price levels at different times. Real GDP

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Q: Is a nations standard of living measured by GDP or real GDP?
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if real GDP rise faster than the number of people employed

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Lots of different factors, but per capita income can give a rough indication of people's standards of living. But basically every aspect of your life needs to be measured to produce a completely accurate measurement.

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The real Exchange rate excludes the effects of inflation in the increase in exchange rate so if there is a lot of difference between real and nominal (real << nominal) the standard of living is deteriorating in the country.

How economic growth of a country is measured?

Economic Growth can be defined as an increase in output produced by an economy in a period of time (usually a year) or an increase in the ability of an economy to produce goods and services. Economic Growth itself can be measured by measuring an increase in GDP, Real GDP (GDP adjusted for inflation), or Real GDP per capita (a measure of standard of living) which means the increase in real output per person.

Which measures improvements in the standard of living in a nation?

Growth of real GDP per Capita

How does an economist compare the standard of living in two different countries?

by comparing real GDP per capita

Which is used to measure directly the average standard of living across countries?

National income

How is real wages measured?

real wage is

Is GDP a good measure of standard of living?

Real national income when divided by population gives real per capita income,which is an indicator of standard of living.Therefore,national income statistics can be used to compare standard of living between countries and over time.However,there are some obvious snags of using national income statistics.Standard of living is not solely determined by real per capita income.It also depends on oter factors like leisure hours,hours of travel,amount of negative externalities and many more.

What is the difference between real national income and nominal national income?

Real national income : the actual quantity of goods and services produced. the standard of living depends very much on the quantities of goods and services produced. Nominal national income : the money values of total output, total factor incomes and total expenditure. national income is measured in this way.

What is the formula to find maximum percentage error between measured and real values of resistor?

From what I can remember it's: |R(measured)-R(real)|/(R(real))*100%