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Q: If something costs 1 US Dollar in 1927 how much would it cost today?
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A dollar in 1989 has the same buying power as 1.88 today. Or another way to look at it would be a dollar in 1989 would be worth approximately 53 cents today.

What is profit maximization?

Maximization of profit is maximizing the profit to cost ratio. if you can sell something for a dollar that costs a quarter to make you have a 75 cents profit but if the same item cost 50 cents you would only have a quarter profit. maximization of profit takes into accout sullpy and demand. lets say 100 people want your product. if it costs a dollar only 80 people would buy it which would give you a 60 dollar profit. but if it you sold it at 1.50 only 40 people would buy it and you would have a 50 dollar profit. and if you sold it at 50 cents all 100 would buy it but you would only make a 25 dollar profit. so the mazimization of profit would be to sell at 1 dollar.

If something cost a dollar in 1901 what would it cost today?

You would have to pick a specific item or product to get any type of answer. Everything changes price at a different rate and for different reasons.

How much would one dollar in 1858 be worth today?

Inflation continues to drastically decrease the value of a dollar. What you could buy for dollar in 1858 would cost you $26.53, meaning that dollar would be worth about 4 cents in today's world.

What would a dollar in 1920 be worth today?

Try this : a dollar would have been a half days pay for most people.

What would a dollar in 1920 worth today?

If you hold your 1852 $1 gold piece, it would worth more than $100 today Inflation continues to drastically decrease the value of a dollar. What you could buy for dollar in 1852 would cost you $27.60, meaning that dollar would be worth about 4 cents in today's world.

What would 2 from 1921 be worth today?

It would we worth about 10'123 dollar.

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