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There was a driving need for new markets and more resources.

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Q: How were economic interests a cause for imperialism?
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What form of imperialism was in china?

economic imperialism

What cause economic instability of a state?

often economic instability is caused by imperialism because the nation's economy becomes dependent on industrialized nations.

How was European imperialism in Africa similar to imperialism in Asia?

European imperialism was motivated by a desire for economic gains in both regions.

What were motives for imperialism in Congo?

economic and ideological

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What has the author Richard James Hammond written?

Richard James Hammond has written: 'Economic imperialism' -- subject(s): Economic history, Imperialism, Capitalism

How do you ues the word imperialism in a sentence?

But these " core commonwealth values " have been those imposed by british imperialism and interpreted to suit its interests.

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What Were the motivations for the new imperialism?

The four motives for New Imperialism were: Economic. Strategic, Humanitarian, and Foreign Investment.

How did nationalism imperialism and militarism help set the stage world war?

Imperialism and militarism made the use of force to secure or defend national interests necessary, causing conflict. Nationalism on the other hand compelled citizens to support their country's cause in the war.

'How did nationalism imperialism and militarism help set the stage for World War?

Imperialism and militarism made the use of force to secure or defend national interests necessary, causing conflict. Nationalism on the other hand compelled citizens to support their country's cause in the war.

What was the economic benefit of annexing the Philippines?

define imperialism