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about 1.5 Million dollars today

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Q: How much would 200 pounds in 1965 be worth today?
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What is 40000 in 1965 worth today?

about the same. but around 70000 pounds

How much would 64000 dollars in 1965 be worth today?


900 in 1965 worth how much today?

$900.00 from 1965 would be worth $6,229.30. In the time period there was about a 4.4% annual increase from inflation.

What would 5 pounds bye you in 1965?

In 1965, 5 pounds in the UK would have had more purchasing power compared to today. It could have bought you over 10 pints of beer or several loaves of bread.

How much is 1000 pesos from Spain from 1965 worth today?

There is no such thing. Spain used Pesetas, not Pesos in 1965. 1000 Pesetas from 1965 would not even be worth much today (<$10) if just in terms of exchange rates (even though the currency is not valid since its replacement by the EURO).

How much was 300 pounds worth in american dollars in 1965?


What is the present day value of an item which cost Seventy five pounds in 1965?

Seventy-Five Pounds GBP in 1965 had the purchasing power of about £971 GBP today.

How much was twenty dollars worth in 1965?

Twenty dollars. If you want to know what it would be worth today, you need to go to

How much would 100 dollars from 1961 be worth today?

If you mean what is 500 dollars in 1965 equivilant to in today's money value then the answer is about 3,600 dollars. If you mean what is 500 dollars in today's money equivilant to in 1965's money value then it is about 68 dollars.

How much would 6000 be worth in 1965?

$6,000.00 in 1965 had the same buying power as $45,485.58 in 2016.

How old would I be if I was born on 1965?

If you were born in 1965 you would be either 49 or 50 today, June 28th 2015,depending on the day of the year you were born.

What is the value of 3500 pounds in 1965?

It is 3500 pounds!