What would 1 pound in 1961 be worth today
$8.02 in 2015.
The average price of regular leaded gasoline in 1961 was .31 cents per gallon.
In 1975, the US national average price of a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline was 57 cents - equivalent to about $2.31 per gallon in 2010.
What would 1 pound in 1961 be worth today
We would need to know what 20,000 you mean? Dollars?
5.00 dollars
in 1966, the average Canadian was worth about $5 U.S. Dollars. $7 if he was a mountee
100 dollars if in good condition
Its about 200 to 300 dollars but I'm not for sure.
50 cents
The United States mint produced JFK inaugural coins in the early 1960s. Those from 1961 are worth about ten dollars when they have been circulated and twice that if they are in mint condition.
As always condition is king. In average circulated condition it might be worth a few dollars US.
If I was born in the year 1961 , then today I would be a total of fourtyeight years old
Unless the coin is in uncirculated or proof condition (in which case it may be worth a couple of dollars), the value of a 1961 US dime is probably just the value of its silver content. As of Dec 5, 2008, that would be about 68 cents.